

بوجدان موريشانو وثورة الخوف!

بوجدان موريشانو

Reading Time: 3 minutesيعالج الكاتب والمخرج الروماني بوجدان موريشانو في فيلمه الروائي الطويل الأول “العام الجديد الذي لم يأتِ أبداً” (2024) مرحلة


Reality and horror heard in sound designed for Agnieszka Holland’s “Green Border”

Green Border

Reading Time: 3 minutesIt’s been scientifically proved that hearing is faster than sound – the reaction time to even a murmur is brisker than to a movement. What we hear also evokes more emotions than what we see – many film directors complain that they struggle to get at least one tear from their audience, while the composers … اقرأ المزيد